Woodcut Basics
A Comprehensive Guide to Woodblock Printing
Woodcut Basics
Erwachsene Traditionelle Kunstkurse

Woodcut Basics
A Comprehensive Guide to Woodblock Printing


This course offers an all-encompassing approach to the art of woodcut printmaking. Through hands-on practice and theoretical presentations, students will gain an in-depth understanding of the processes involved in creating woodcuts. This will equip them with the foundational knowledge required to begin and further hone their skills in this technique.


The focus of the course will be largely practical, covering the three core stages of woodcutting: matrix preparation, engraving development, and paper printing. The content covered will include:

  1. Matrix Preparation:
    a. Choice and preparation of the wood matrix (exploring different wood types and block treatment).
    b. Techniques for transferring a design from paper to wood.
    c. Choice and maintenance of wood engraving tools.
  2. Engraving Development:
    a. Introduction to essential cutting techniques for relief printmaking and the safety precautions necessary for their execution.
    b. Application of exercises for the familiarization and improvement of cutting techniques.
    c. Each student will elaborate and execute a woodcut project
  3. Printing:
    a. Choice of suitable paper types for printing.
    b. Presentation and instructions for use of the tools and materials needed for manual printing.
    c. Execution of a small series of prints of the works developed by the students with information related to the registration and numbering of a limited series.

Upon completing this course, students will have produced their own matrix and a limited series of prints. Additionally, they will have acquired fundamental theoretical and practical knowledge to independently continue their journey in this technique.


  • Age Group: Individuals aged 15 and above
  • Participation Requirements: This course is for everyone interested in the traditional techniques of printmaking, and for people related to the graphic arts. No prerequisites necessary.
  • Language of Instruction: English
  • Course Materials: A material fee of €20.00 per person is to be paid directly in the course.

Druckgrafik Holzschnitt printmaking reliefprint woodcut

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Woodcut Basics
A Comprehensive Guide to Woodblock Printing
Termin auswählen
21 Stunden in 7 Terminen
Terminliste als PDF anzeigen
Mind. 4 bis max. 8 Teilnehmer/innen
Leitung: Ulisses Lociks
Ort: Zeichenfabrik, OG 1, Kursraum 3, Flachgasse 35-37, 1150 Wien
€ 315
exkl. Kursmaterial
21 Stunden in 7 Terminen
Terminliste als PDF anzeigen
Mind. 4 bis max. 8 Teilnehmer/innen
Leitung: Ulisses Lociks
Ort: Zeichenfabrik, OG 1, Kursraum 3, Flachgasse 35-37, 1150 Wien
€ 336
exkl. Kursmaterial