Space for Art and Community

Zeichenfabrik is a place where people come together to learn with and from each other, with a focus on the dynamic exchange of ideas, the sharing and growth of creative visions.

OUR MISSION Promoting Creativity as a Universal Empowerment Tool

We value creativity as a constructive ability to develop original and useful solutions or approaches - not only in art, science, or professional life but also in everyday life. We understand creativity as a skill that everyone inherently possesses, and our mission is to foster the transmission and development of this skill.

Photo: Akos Vincze
Photo: Hoa Luo

OUR APPROACH Cultivating a Holistic Creative Ecosystem

Courses and Workshops
Our courses and workshops for all ages and skill levels guide participants through the creative process, teaching techniques and methods. We provide low-threshold access to art for people with diverse interests and abilities, encouraging everyone to find their own creative path.

Zeichenfabrik Gallery
As a digital art platform, the Zeichenfabrik Gallery allows art lovers to access an exclusive selection of outstanding works by artists from around the world. Discover captivating art experiences, handpicked, trustworthy, and secure from purchase to delivery.

As a collaborative platform, project:space opens its doors to collectives needing a space for the preparation, planning, or realization of non-commercial projects. Our project spaces in a Viennese factory loft provide work areas to promote creative energy and collaboration in an inspiring environment.

Creative Events for Teams and Groups
With customized team events for companies and educational institutions, we combine artistic expertise and innovative methods to create unique experiences that enhance team dynamics, communication, and creative problem-solving.

Wiener Bildungschancen
As a recognized provider within the Vienna Educational Opportunities framework („Wiener Bildungschancen“), we enable children and adolescents to access high-quality artistic workshops and creative development.

Photo: Stefan Bachmann

OUR MOTIVATION Against the Cult of Genius!

The concept of creativity signifies a democratization of "originality beyond genius" (cf. Groeben 2013). Creativity is useful, by definition an instrument for problem-solving. Above all, creativity means happiness. This is why we have been dedicated to its promotion since 2009.

Our Services

Master techniques, embrace creativity, build an art collection: with us, you'll discover all the essentials for your creative journey.

Photo: Susanne Richter

Courses for Children

Discovering the joy of creative design playfully, experimenting with colors and shapes, letting imagination run wild - our children's courses awaken natural curiosity and creative joy, strengthening self-expression and imagination.

Photo: Jörg Jozwiak

Courses for Teenagers

Whether preparing for artistic education or out of sheer enthusiasm for creative work, our youth courses provide solid foundations, foster the development of a personal visual language, and strengthen confidence in one's creative abilities.

Foto: Stefan Bachmann

Courses for Adults

From beginner workshops to master classes, from painting and drawing to sculpture and printmaking, to digital techniques - our diverse adult program offers something for every level of knowledge and interest. Dive into the world of art, learn new things in an inspiring atmosphere, and under the expert guidance of our professionals.

Photo: Akos Vincze

Creative Team Events and Workshops

With customized creative workshops and team events, we combine artistic expertise and innovative methods. Whether for team building, incentives, or corporate events, we create inspiring experiences that enhance business processes, strengthen team dynamics, and ignite the creative spirit.

Saverio Tonoli, virtuosity of light, 2010

Discover and Buy Contemporary Art Online

Explore our online gallery featuring handpicked works by outstanding artists from around the world. Immerse yourself in the diversity of contemporary art and find your favorite piece. We make art accessible to everyone - trustworthy and secure from purchase to delivery.

Photo: Wolf Leeb

project:space - Room for Your Ideas

Looking for a place for your creative project? Our project:space offers workspaces for collectives (up to 10 people), equipped with basic facilities and embedded in the inspiring atmosphere of our Viennese factory loft. Art, culture, dialogue - give your ideas room to grow!

Learn more

Partner of Wiener Bildungschancen

We are proud partners of the "Wiener Bildungschancen" initiative, supporting young people in developing their creative talents.

Our Offers for Educational Institutions

Sometimes a blank page
holds the most possibilities:

Get in touch!

My Phung Tran
My Phung Tran Mag.a rer.soc.oec.

Point of Contact for Team Events and Zeichenfabrik Gallery.

Christian Dewanger
Christian Dewanger Mag.phil.

Point of Contact for Course Participants and Course Organizers.