Titus Hora

Titus Hora

Upplands Väsby, Sweden

"I am fascinated by artificial intelligence, deep learning, generative systems, and image synthesizers. These are the tools I am now using for creating my art. My role as an artist is to create visual metaphors for what I observe, see, and witness happening around me, to have a deeply rooted connection with the totality of human condition as it plays itself out against the backdrop of contemporary socio-economic structures.
This is what my art is about."

Titus Hora is a Canadian artist, designer, programmer, and machine learning developer. He has received his Master's Degree in Architectural Arts from UNArte in Bucharest, has studied Printmaking & Sculpture-Installation at O.C.A.D. in Toronto, and 3D Computer Animation at Sheridan College in Oakville, Ontario, Canada.

Subscribing to a process driven, mostly abstract formalism, Hora´s work is an exploration of the symbolic reverberations engendered by the retinal. He is orchestrating intelligent, compelling and complex, baroquely rich compositions, possessing the emergent aesthetic qualities of procedural and generative approaches to image making, and a deeply rooted connection with the totality of human condition as it plays itself out against the backdrop of contemporary socio-economic structures.

By focusing on meaning and by touching the deep, spiritual essence of what makes us human, Hora’s work is conceptually and formally a challenge to the vapid contemporary art condition.

Titus Hora, 2016
Artwork Series


10 artworks
from € 3,930

"Becoming" is a body of work made up of 10 symbolic, metaphoric, and iconic images.
Deploying a complex and rich visual vocabulary each image is an illustrated meditation on transformation, physical and spiritual.
Based on personal experience, oscillating between the two poles of Fear and Hope, these meditations reflect on the frailty of a human condition continuously facing a future that is opaque.

Each image from this series is an invitation to reflection and quiet contemplation.


Titus Hora, 2021
Artwork Series


22 artworks
from € 2,920

Philosopher Nick Bostrom sees humanity as a step in our evolution towards posthumans, hypothetical future beings "whose basic capacities so radically exceed those of present humans as to be no longer unambiguously human by our current standards." Between us and them there is a period of transition populated by "transitional humans" results of experiments with physical and mental enhancement technologies.

"Transhumans", is a cautionary tale and an exploration of the possible, unpredictable […]

Titus Hora, 2014
Artwork Series


12 artworks
from € 1,550

"Nirvana" is a body of work made up of 12 images that combine graphic-design with code generated 'mandala-flowers', inspired by the colorful Mandalas found in various Eastern spiritual traditions, used for focusing attention, as spiritual guidance tools, or as aides for meditation and trance induction.

The series explores the aesthetic possibilities inherent in computer programming when used as a medium for art.

The image is provided with a hanging mechanism on the back.

Titus Hora, 2014
Artwork Series


9 artworks
from € 2,920

"It is failure that guides evolution; perfection offers no incentive for improvement." - Colson Whitehead

Glitch is a process driven exploration of the conceptual and aesthetic qualities of what are considered to be undesirable consequences of the accidental, the unplanned, and the unexpected. The conceptual connotations of glitches are mostly negative: glitches interfere with, and upset, the smooth and predictable outcome of a well planned course of action. Starting with well planned out […]

Other artist's artworks

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Neon Fold No25 blue, pink, black
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17. Modern Talking
17. Modern Talking
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Pawel Mendrek, 2019
€ 2,520
Garten Eden #16
Garten Eden #16
Anne Suttner, 2018
€ 4,560
Hyun-Seok (조현석), 2022
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Which came first?
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Nuclear Freedom II
Nuclear Freedom II
Patrik Werner Muchenberger, 2020
€ 1,630
Das Problem mit der Insel
Das Problem mit der Insel
Patrik Werner Muchenberger, 2021
€ 430
08. We Are the Champions
08. We Are the Champions
George Gheorghe, 1999
€ 1,290
Rubus V
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Isabel Mischka, 2023
€ 2,560
Cat Brochette
Cat Brochette
Andre Brik, 2016
€ 208
#dblpng // factory zines // C
#dblpng // factory zines // C
#dblpng aka Pengpengduo , 2019
€ 740